6th Commandment of Worship Songwriting

Jul 11, 2023

My new course is out and on sale!

It's called "Deeper Worship Lyrics" and it is designed especially for the worship songwriter. 

To celebrate the launch, we are going through my "Ten Commandments of Worship Songwriting". 

Today we look at the 6th Commandment:

"Cliches put people to sleep. Don't put people to sleep".

Cliches are filler words we use instead of original thought. Because it is filler, people turn off their brains during cliches until they are brought back by an original thought. 

If you use a cliche in your song, you are whispering to your audience, "Don't bother paying attention. I haven't brought anything new." 

Wake people up by making them think. Make them think by writing original thoughts. 

Want something you can use at your next worship team rehearsal? 

Click below to get manuals and workshops for every member of your team.  

Worship Booster Pack

It includes resources for playing as a band, live sound, arranging, and worship songwriting all in one bundle. 

Get the Worship Booster Pack