1st Commandment of Worship Songwriting

Jul 16, 2023

My new course is out and on sale!

It's called "Deeper Worship Lyrics" and it is designed especially for the worship songwriter. 

To celebrate the launch, we are going through my "Ten Commandments of Worship Songwriting". 

We end with our 1st commandment:

"We would all rather behold God's face than behold your past."

Don't write about yourself! There are plenty of great topics you could write about instead:

- A facet of God's character

- God's victories

-Two seemingly opposing things about God which are both true

It's too easy to write about yourself. Get curious about God and everyone will be better for it. Especially you. 

Want something you can use at your next worship team rehearsal? 

Click below to get manuals and workshops for every member of your team.  

Worship Booster Pack

It includes resources for playing as a band, live sound, arranging, and worship songwriting all in one bundle. 

Get the Worship Booster Pack